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Brilliant Family Dog Academy
There has never been a better time to make the change you want to see in your dog - starting right now!
Want to see these gentle methods in action with new learners?
Loki learns to focus
Here’s a 10-week-old puppy who’d only just met me, learning that looking at me earns him a reward. See how quickly he speeds up!
The full Brilliant Family Dog Academy
program and community
FINALLY, a program designed for YOU!
For your new puppy, your new rescue dog, or your resident pooch!
- Is your dog driving you up the wall?
- Your new puppy not as easy as you'd expected?
- Your arm is being pulled out of its socket,
- your possessions chewed up and peed on,
- your food stolen from under your nose!
You'll progress steadily through the weeks!
As the lessons open up for you - watching just one short video a day - you'll be amazed at how quickly you can get the Brilliant Family Dog you want!
You'll see lots of different types of dogs of all ages learning fast. And you’ll get support and hand-holding all the way so you’re never left adrift wondering what to do next.
- You get masses of help for problem-solving, and for all those "what if?" questions, from me and my friendly team of highly-qualified force-free dog trainers. You'll make friends in our Community - we're dying to see videos of your dog learning!
- From housetraining YOUR NEW PUPPY, getting her to sleep, and play nicely with the children - to teaching her to walk easily on the lead beside you. From building a solid recall in YOUR OLDER DOG - to helping YOUR NEW RESCUE DOG adapt to his new family: this course is comprehensive and will answer all your questions.
- And the best thing? It's all force-free. There's no need to be hard on your pet - he'll learn really fast - the games are all easy and rewarding so you'll both have fun!
Fun, Gentle, Effective Games = Amazing Progress!
I take you step-by-step through the vital learning to turn you and your dog from opposing forces to a team!
Designed with young puppies and new rescue dogs in mind, it works equally well to build a new relationship with your resident dog!

Choice Training gives you a laser-focussed method of involving your dog in the training so that SHE makes the decisions YOU want - even when you’re not there!
This training lasts! You’ll have a dog who knows how to please you and gives you fun and companionship for the rest of her life.
There are more than 50 brief videos showing real dogs, of all ages, learning - no trained dog actors here to make you feel demoralised! - with Lessons short enough to fit into your busy day.
You’ll get rapid change, but it’s not about giving you a quick fix to achieve a SIT. It’s a complete sea-change in how you and your dog relate to each other which means you’ll get LASTING change.
Simple, Enjoyable Games = Happy Progress!

Since completing Beverley’s course, our Basset Hound Bilbo has come on leaps and bounds.
I was keen to find a trainer whose methods didn’t involve shouting or punishing the dog in any way and Beverley has been fantastic! She has taught us how to manage and improve Bilbo’s behaviour through play.
The methods are simple and thoroughly enjoyable. We now have an extremely well behaved, sociable and happy dog!
Joanna and Bilbo
Basset Hound
Have you just got a new rescue dog?
Or perhaps your resident pet is getting difficult to manage ...
You'll find your answers here, with games that all dogs enjoy - games which craftily teach them to do exactly what you want them to do! No more chewing the furniture, jumping up on visitors, or stealing anything that isn't nailed down. And it's all done by involving your dog in his own learning.

I don't want you to do things TO your dog - I want you to do things WITH your dog.
Support and Learning = A Dog you can be Proud of!
What will I learn?

Learning the Basics
- Transform your relationship with your dog with Choice Training! Wha?? you'll see!
- Games for Focus and Fun
- Get your pup to play nicely
- 3 - yes, three! - vital Lead Skills you'll wonder how you managed without (you didn't!)

Essential Skills
- How to handle a Vet Visit without frustration
- Teach your dog how to walk nicely on the lead and get those enjoyable walks you looked forward to when you first got your dog!
- Settle down and switch OFF - oh my gosh!
- Impulse Control! No more thieving!

Recall Workshop
- This is where you'll learn how to get that stunning, instant, spin-on-a-sixpence recall! Loads of great games here.
- Puppy Gym - yoga for your couch potato! Confidence-building for your young pup!
- Report your progress in the Community, get personal coaching from Brilliant Family Dog, and bask in the admiration of your fellow students

Building the Skills
- In this Module you'll learn how to visit a cafe or pub - relax and enjoy it!
- You'll teach a solid and confident stay, from the ground up.
- Playbiting fixed - for good!
- Impulse Control 2.0 - leave the cat, the spilt food, the ball, the dead bird ...

Refreshers and Moving Forward
- By now you'll be able to go on a shopping trip and show off your dog!
- You'll be bringing speed and accuracy to your games - more fun all round!
- Loose Lead Walking goes up a notch, now you're getting expert!

Advanced Techniques and Tricks
- You'll never get pulled along again! Polishing your Loose Lead Walking. Yes, it really does come that fast!
- Confidence builders for you and your happy dog
- You've taught your dog how to settle down - now get him to stay settled
- Party Tricks! Be proud of your dog!
Enjoy making friends
in the Academy Community
The Brilliant Family Dog Academy is the easiest and most affordable way to transform your life with your dog, for good!
Crazy? Grab it while you can!

Enrol in the Brilliant Family Dog Academy!
Choose $USD here or £GBP above
- Our App! Watch, listen, post, comment - all on your phone, wherever you are! so you can learn in the car, on walks, wherever!
- Guides and problem-solvers to download
- Written transcripts of all the Lessons
- Video Think-pieces by Beverley Courtney
ON TOP OF ALL THAT, you’re automatically part of our private (non-Facebook) Community where you can ask questions - and get answers! - from me and my professional trainers. You can join the guided discussions, get extra coaching, and valuable support from your fellow students.
No-one will look down their nose at you here - we are all in the same boat! This is one of the stars of the program for students, and fishes them out of their feelings of isolation and hopelessness!

I'm Beverley Courtney
and I’ve been training dogs for many years. First for competitive dog sports and over time to be stellar family pets. I found that a force-free approach was by far the most successful, effective, and rewarding for me, my dogs, and my students. It's a fascinating subject and I am continually studying and learning.
Fifteen years of teaching thousands of students in my Puppy and New Dog classes have taught me so much about how the critters learn and develop!
And having to learn how to make life acceptable for my own Growly Dog gave me the tools - and the empathy - to work with the hundreds of students who have come to me in despair at their much-loved dog's "aggressive" behaviour.
My style of teaching has been influenced by my students. These dog-owners are not looking for competition-standard training; what they want is a Brilliant Family Dog they can take anywhere. Working with real dogs and their real owners keeps me humble - and resourceful! You could be brilliant at training dogs, but it's no use if you can’t convey this enthusiasm and knowledge to the person the dog has to live with. So I’m grateful for everything my students have taught me about how they learn best.
Beverley Courtney
BA(Hons), CPC, ELI-MP, CBATI-KSA, CAP2, MAPDT(UK), ABTC Registered Animal Trainer, and author of the popular Brilliant Family Dog book series.

Simple, Easy, Effective = Brilliant Family Dog!
Frequently Asked Questions
When does the program start and finish?
What if I am unhappy with the course?
How long do I have access to the course?
Is this training genuinely force-free?
Yes, your dog will thank you ...

Thank you for training my owners to understand me and my needs, and for helping them to teach me to become a great Jack Russell. Love Pixie
Rebecca and Pixie
Jack Russell Terrier